5th November 2014
I went for my adjustment today feeling a bit disappointed that the gaps still haven't closed yet. They have changed so much though and I am very happy, think I just want it done now. I am also worrying a little that they won't be done in time for my wedding in May. I am sure they will be. I also want them whitening before the wedding if I have enough time.
Anyway back to the 5th of November.
Max (my ortho) also seemed disappointed about how little they had moved. He said we can put the elastics on differently and they should be closed by your next appointment. I hope so.
They did feel alot tighter afterwards :) always a good feeling as I know they're gonna move! He also took the bracket off my lower incisor to 'fine tune it'. It has made quite a difference to my bite already.
I go back in 7 weeks so here's hoping the gaps close, then it won't be long until i'm done.
I can't remember if I mentioned this on my blog or on the metal mouth messgae board. When I first got my braces my lips became very chapped and dry and have been ever since really unless I use a balm. I have since narrowed it down to flouride toothpaste. I now use a natural toothpaste and my lips are in a much better condition. I still use my balm, but not as often. Just thought I would share that :)