FINALLY they have moved enough for me to get my ceramic braces today. I will only be getting half my ceramic brace and also molar bands and a TPA.
Here is a picture of how they are now, lovely and gappy :). I will update when I get my ceramics.
Right side
23rd August 2013
Wohoo I got my ceramic braces on the 21st.
First of all my ortho put the bracket around my upper back teeth which is attached with a wire to the roof of my mouth... That was quite painful, very tight! He then attached my ceramic braces. Tightening them was abit uncomfortable but not too bad.
I am sooo pleased with how they look and he gave me a white wire, I was expecting a metal one.
That night my back teeth were uncomfortable, but my teeth feel fine other than the back ones. The lowers were more uncomfortable when I had those on. The wire on the roof of my mouth will take some getting used to as it is quite low. Its difficult to swallow food and it gets stuck in it, eww. Any pressure from my tongue on it also hurts my back teeth. I will get used to it though.
I am back to really soft foods, I can't really chew all that much.
I am glad to be rid of that removable brace! I didn't keep it, I kinda think I should have done now, oh well.
I go for an adjustment in 7 weeks. I can't wait to see the changes :)