Thursday, 28 November 2013

Month 15

27th November 2013

I went for my adjustment today. Nothing too eventful really. 

My ortho changed my top wire and put a powerchain on my front 4 teeth. He

changed my ligatures at the back to a silvery colour. He also adjusted the back bottom teeth slightly.

Not too painful either so I got off lightly this time. 

He said when I go back for my adjustment in 8 wks he will start pulling my teeth back to close the gaps. :) looking forward to that, will see the changes then. 

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Month 14

3rd October 2013

It's a week until my next adjustment and today I had a brace drama. I was eating crackers and all of a sudden my back molar felt funny.... The ligature had come off the bracket and the wire was bent around 2 teeth. Eeek panic! I phoned the ortho n she told me how to put it back in myself. I have to becareful what I eat now. Other than that my teeth feel great. I am used to my TPA now and I can eat more or less anything i want ( until today). 

9th October

I went for my adjustment today. My ortho changed my bottom wire and adjusted them, ouch! It was quite uncomfy this time. The wire is alot thicker, so instant tightness. He complimented me on how clean my ceramic braces were. He said they usually stain easily. I don't drink tea and coffee and I haven't had curry, but other than that I haven't avoided anything. He then adjusted my uppers and changed the ligatures and off I went. I go back in 7 weeks. 

15th October

My lowers were quite painful for around 4 days after my adjustment. When my lowers have been adjusted it always makes me feel asthough i'm getting a sore throat. I think it's because they give me a funny headache and my mouth aches. I took paracetamol and I was fine. I ate soft things again for a few days but i'm back to eating whatever i want again now. 

I have noticed my bite on the left side is changing. My teeth actually meet more now. Before braces my bite was that bad I couldn't chew on the left side at all. My teeth just didn't match up. 

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Month 12

21 August 2013

I know I haven't blogged for around 6 months, but it has been a slow process moving my top canines. 
FINALLY they have moved enough for me to get my ceramic braces today. I will only be getting half my ceramic brace and also molar bands and a TPA.

Here is a picture of how they are now, lovely and gappy :). I will update when I get my ceramics. 

Right side
Left side

23rd August 2013

Wohoo I got my ceramic braces on the 21st. 
First of all my ortho put the bracket around my upper back teeth which is attached with a wire to the roof of my mouth... That was quite painful, very tight! He then attached my ceramic braces. Tightening them was abit uncomfortable but not too bad. 

I am sooo pleased with how they look and he gave me a white wire, I was expecting a metal one. 

That night my back teeth were uncomfortable, but my teeth feel fine other than the back ones. The lowers were more uncomfortable when I had those on. The wire on the roof of my mouth will take some getting used to as it is quite low. Its difficult to swallow food and it gets stuck in it, eww. Any pressure from my tongue on it also hurts my back teeth. I will get used to it though. 

I am back to really soft foods, I can't really chew all that much. 

I am glad to be rid of that removable brace! I didn't keep it, I kinda think I should have done now, oh well. 

I go for an adjustment in 7 weeks. I can't wait to see the changes :) 

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Month 6

6th February 2013

Today I went to the orthodontist thinking I was going to get my ceramic braces. Turns out i'd got a little confused. Now I have had my teeth out the ortho has instead activated the springs on my removable brace to push my fangs into line. He said this will make it quicker and easier to push my teeth back when I get my ceramics. He wants to see a gap and my top fang sitting kind of behind my bottom fang. He said my bite is coming on well :) go back in 5 weeks for another adjustment.

Here are my teeth today 5 weeks later (12/3/13) I definitely have a gap now.

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Month 5

23rd January 2013

Yesterday was the day I had been dreading since the day I first discussed braces with my ortho.... Teeth out day!

I have never had any teeth out by a dentist before, so I wasn't really sure what to expect. The injections he gave me in the roof of my mouth really hurt, but after that the actual pulling of my teeth wasn't too bad and was over quite quickly. I had my two first premolar teeth out at the top.

They have been abit achey today and a bit tricky to eat. I haven't worn my removable brace since as the dental nurse advised me not to. I will put it back in in a day or two.

I have an appointment with my ortho in two weeks to get my top ceramic braces fitted.
Here is one of my gaps. You can see how prominent my front teeth are from the side. Not for much longer :)